Let’s get started, which of these describes what you’re looking for right now?
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Pole Position
I want to understand where my site is currently ranking on Google.
Website MOT
I need an expert to explain what's going on 'under the hood' of my website.
Writer's (un)block
I don't have the time, or the technical skills to write regular content that's going to get me ranked on Google as well as engage my customers.
SEO copywriting
I need help from an SEO expert to optimise my core products/services so that they are visible on Google.
The first port of call with our 'Position Tracking' service is just that. To understand and report on the keywords your website is currently ranking for on Google and where.
We can then make recommendations for keyword alternatives for each page on your website that will help you rank even higher and drive more traffic to your website.
We can then carry out all the necessary on-site optimisation and submit your site to Google to be indexed.
We will also provide you with a list of 20 well-researched content ideas for on-going SEO blogs to further drive your organic search visibility (if you need help writing them we can do that too).
A Great Fit For
Those with a beautiful website and a full inventory of products that just need more eyes on their products. Or brands who are too heavily reliant on social traffic to their website and want to diversify their acquisition.
SEO is about far more than the keywords on your webpage. Your site's structure, speed, linking, accessibility... they are all rank-contributing factors. Unless you have the expertise to regularly track and analyse your site's health, all these issues could be unknowingly downgrading your site on Google.
An in-depth Technical SEO Audit by our e-commerce web developer will give you a clear, actionable report to ensure your website is a well-oiled machine.
A Great Fit For
Those who want to give their website a full health check to understand if there are any technical errors affecting their SEO ranking.
whats under the hood
80% of your ongoing SEO work will be within your regular content. However, content written without keyword-intention, or in a structure that Google doesn't understands will not get you ranking for your core products.
Google is now prioritising regular expert, long-form content - which many business brand owners don't have the time to craft.
Our team of trained journalists can create weekly or monthly blogs in your brand tone, adding valuable content to share with your audiences that Google will love too.
A Great Fit For
Busy brands looking to outsource their blogwriting to trained journalists with luxury lifestyle brand experience.
E-commerce brands who are not currently ranking in Google for their core products.
A Great Fit For
You've put all your time, energy (and budget) into crafting beautiful products - but to Google, you're invisible. Sound familiar? If you're an e-commerce brand and need help getting your products in front of the people searching to buy them, our SEO team can optimise your products to improve their visibility and drive you more targeted traffic from Google.